The hidden costs of cloud-based IT service for businesses Cloud here. Cloud there. Cloud everywhere. As a Kansas City IT company, we're seeing (and facilitating) a lot of our clients moving technology services to the cloud. Cloud-based solutions allow them to access and use shared resources,...
Wireless seems to be a no-brainer choice when it comes to choosing a network for your business. Wireless access has become so common that many of us find ourselves a bit miffed when we're "left stranded" without Wi-Fi. But when you're a business owner just starting out or thinking about...
When a major corporation like Target or Neiman Marcus experiences a security breach, suddenly everyone begins paying a little more attention to their network security. For a business, that might mean changing passwords and updating antivirus software. Overall, though, many businesses don't give...
In a perfect world, you could update your computer systems one or two times over the course of their lifespans and be done with it. But that's not the reality with business technology today. Many companies are struggling to keep up with advancing systems. While some are able to utilize things like...
Who did they choose to support their super-cool technology? Invision. The idea of the Museum at Prairiefire became a reality when the $160 million development opened its doors at 135th Street and Lamar to the public on May 12. The Museum is collaborating with the famous American Museum of...