Many business owners mistakenly believe they are under the radar of cyber criminals, thinking they are just too small to be worth the time. But that's absolutely wrong, according to a recent Wall Street Journal article, Cybercriminals Sniff Out Vulnerable Firms. The article tells the story of...
Enjoy the Games, but Use Caution, Common Sense Online Cybercriminals might use the 2012 Summer Olympic Games as an opportunity to ramp up malware, scams, data theft and DDoS attacks, as well as a platform for high-profile "hacktivism," warns a May 17 report released by the Department of Homeland...
Breaking news is that 6.5 million encrypted LinkedIn passwords have been hacked! You can read more about it here and here: On its own home page, LinkedIn is urging users to change...
With last week's high-profile announcement that a new form of spyware called "Flame" is almost certainly a state-developed program, the topics of cyber warfare and state-sponsored snooping have captured attention. At least, they have captured the attention of Google, which today announced that...
Yesterday the White House hosted a meeting of government officials and corporate honchos to discuss a very serious problem. World peace? The economy? No, they met to discuss botnets. What is a botnet? Here's how the Industry Botnet Group, a voluntary group of companies, trade associations and...
The anti-malware research firm, Kaspersky, recently announced they've detected a new spyware infection called Flame. Researchers speculate that Flame, a very sophisticated program, was created as a state-sponsored volley in what seems to be an escalating international cyberwar. Kaspersky...